E V E R Y D A Y.
Because you’re an entrepreneur yet secretly GOD.DESS. A High Priestess. Empress. Queen.
An otherworldly womban who knows you are here to illuminate your quintessential expression.
Existing as your most valuable currency of your *I AM* presence in the Here and Now.
And know you are one of the trailblazers here to awaken and usher in the O.G. {Original God} consciousness that’ll create new ways of being/living, new industries, new systems and more.
Where you’ll be known as a Legend. a Legacy. and the New Ancestor of Celestial Gaia, New Earth.
Presently you’re at the beginning stages of BEing your multidimensional essence OR you already know + express your multidimensionality and are ready to go vaster and deeper.
In addition you desire micro implementations, embodiments & movements that’ll create a macro ripple effect within self, your reality, the cosmos and beyond.
Yet without micromanaging your inner GOD.DESS.
If you are ready to rise and shine, our monthly membership vortex
‘KRYSTALLINE HOME’ is for you.
A sacred space to step into your Living Luminary Self and experience your intrinsic opulence, wealth & prosperity.
Throughout all areas of life, all layers of your BEing and all levels of your consciousness.
Heightening your cosmic connection that’ll genuinely elevate your state of being, self-expression, way of life, business, relationships, finances and overall health.
💠🔥 A community space of powerful SiStars united by a shared vision of living authentically and igniting Heaven on Earth.
💠🔥 A channel of daily activated transmissions to support you in BEing a Multidimensional Living Luminary Legacy within all of your worlds; personal, professional and planetary for greater impact.
💠🔥 Monthly mystery school teachings & activation immersion that will initiate you into the TRUTH of your God-Source Consciousness, Energetic Signature & iconic identity.
{Join us live online or watch the replay.}
💠🔥 Monthly Q+A where you can ask 1-one question in resonance and receive a direct response.
💠🔥 The Sacred Investment: $99/month CAD. Cancel anytime.
💠🔥 The Disrupter Investment: $1144/year CAD. A one-time payment for the 12 months and receive
our signature offer ‘Krystalline Godprint’ ~ a private ceremony with the both of us, Eva + Alicia. An illumination of your Multidimensional Living Luminary Legacy translating into personal, professional and planetary worlds. Scheduled during your 3rd month within KRYSTALLINE HOME.
*If you’ve already received we can go deeper into the consciousness of your Godprint or create a bespoke offering of equivalent time*
💠🔥 The Hybrid Investment: Receive additional private 1-2 bespoke ignition experiences and integrative support. Mentorship options through live sessions and/or Signal messenger. Private message to discuss ~ info@krystallineascension.com
💠🔥 The Krystalline Collective: There will be a maximum of 24 avant-garde womben within the membership vortex at any given time.
💠🔥 No refunds or cancellations for any reason after you paid for the month.
💠🔥 If you desire to cancel your subscription and leave the vortex, it must be 3 days in advance before the start of the month to be sure all tech is aligned.
If you’re ready to know thyself as a transformative feminine force, create unstoppable waves and experience your Golden Age here + now, meet us inside to make some SOLar sparks that'll emblazon for generations!
Eva Lukacs & Alicia Lukacs-Hall, The KRYSTAL Luminaries, are a Mother and Daughter Duo who are co-Creatrix’s of Krystalline Ascension, the Krystalline Codex and Krystalline Touch Medicine.
Here to ignite your legendary Energetic Signature and initiate the iconic wave of visionary trailblazing Womben HOME in God-Source illumination, multidimensional mastery and BEING A LIVING LUMINARY LEGACY for greater impact within all aspects; personally, professionally, planetary and beyond.
BE, live and experience your Heaven on Earth ~ your new Krystalline World of Pure Consciousness, Sacred Union and Intrinsic Opulence.

© 2023 by Krystalline Ascension ~ Alicia Lukacs-Hall and Eva Lukacs
© Cosmic Logo created by Alana Starlight
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