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Calling elite business leaders of their industry who experience ‘luxury’ in their outer world with traditional ‘success’...


Who now desire the inner luxury;


​* The embodiment of their true Divinity

* The truth and remembrance of their inner Power

* The alignment to their potent magic


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Eva Lukacs and Alicia Lukacs-Hall are Spiritual Luxury Mentors guiding powerful womben to embody their Divinity and rise into a Luminary Creatrix Leader of who they truly are. Mastering The Krystalline Codex and their multifaceted gifts to create their extraordinary life and 'Krystalline Legacy' - their sacred Soul Legacy that transcribes into a  luminous, Soulful Business Legacy - resulting in a greater impact that goes way beyond our reality. 


The mother and daughter duo are co-Creatrix’s of Krystalline Ascension, an elite mystery school temple where visionary entrepreneurs upgrade their internal 'Queendom' that unlocks higher consciousness, their hidden potential and multidimensionality, rebirthing into new higher versions of self to experience their purest truth, vitality, wealth and inner union.


Known as ‘Creatrix Queens’, Legacy Keepers and Weavers of the Rainbow Dream of Heaven on Earth, Eva and Alicia share sacred teachings, wisdom and remembrances of the source of creation, love and unity to become the architects of their destiny.

This will be a sacred gathering of the inner Primordial Creatrix Mothers who know they are here to birth new worlds into being. 

Committed to creating a Soul-Aligned legacy impact. 

Leading from a whole new paradigm of spiritual luxury. 


A masterclass to activate your remembrance.

Delivering a crucial message Creatrix to Creatrix.

Heart to Heart. 

Soul to Soul. 

In this masterclass you will step into a higher realm of consciousness to receive;


  • A higher awakening of your krystalline heart to hear the encoded message;


  • Ascension insights of how to embody your Soul Divinity and become a true Lighthouse to a whole new world;


  • Secrets to unleashing your inner ‘New Earth’ Creatrix Leader self to create a greater, sacred impact to Humanity, our Planet and beyond. 

© 2023 by Krystalline Ascension ~ Alicia Lukacs-Hall and Eva Lukacs

© Cosmic Logo created by Alana Starlight

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