This is a continuation from ‘Krystalline God.dess Arise' and a transformative experience for the visionary-trailblazing Womban Entrepreneur, CEO and Leader who is devoted to beaconing TRUTH and knows she is to BE a Living Luminary Legacy that’ll usher in the Golden Age of Heaven on Earth, Celestial Gaia.
We are going to co-create together and have you anchor in your Krystalline Codex of foundational pillars in becoming a Powerhouse and a sacred Temple of Light to withstand the chaos {your own waves} in creating and illuminating ‘New Earth’ into the Here + Now. Your body will be upgraded on a deep subatomic level to deepen and embody a greater capacity of GOD Consciousness.
Gorgeous multidimensional ceremonies will be held to ignite your pristine Dragon-Heart ~ the sacred union of your masculine and feminine embodiment, birthing your Krystalline Luminary aspect into the present, awakening your multifaceted powers, medicines, technologies & masteries, and illuminating your 'Krystalline Godprint' where we will go even deeper to initiate your true avant-garde offering/s into the world.
Ultimately this will expand and elevate your pure organic essence, wealth, leadership and service to a whole new realm of impact and potentiality as you are the New Ancestor, the Iconic Legend and the Ripple Effect of Creation that humanity can choose to experience NOW, for future generations and beyond.
*Private 1:2 online immersion with Eva and Alicia
*A sacred journey of 8 x 90min bespoke sessions
*One energetic house upgrade & alignment
*Integration support Monday-Friday Signal messenger support
*An otherworldly transformative embodied 11 week experience
$11.222 CAD
Payment Plan Option: $4,444 CAD deposit, followed by $3,444 x 2 months
Eva Lukacs & Alicia Lukacs-Hall, The KRYSTAL Luminaries, are a Mother and Daughter Duo who are co-Creatrix’s of Krystalline Ascension, the Krystalline Codex and Krystalline Touch Medicine.
Here to ignite your legendary Energetic Signature and initiate the iconic wave of visionary trailblazing Womben HOME in God-Source illumination, multidimensional mastery and BEING A LIVING LUMINARY LEGACY for greater impact within all aspects; personally, professionally, planetary and beyond.
BE, live and experience your Heaven on Earth ~ your new Krystalline World of Pure Consciousness, Sacred Union and Intrinsic Opulence.
© 2023 by Krystalline Ascension ~ Alicia Lukacs-Hall and Eva Lukacs
© Cosmic Logo created by Alana Starlight
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