Your intergalactic midwives have arrived and the celestial Rebirth Temple is now set for your magnificent purification and emergence. This sacred initiation is designed for the advanced mission soul and visionary-trailblazing Womban who knows she is destined to BE a legend, a legacy and an impact, ushering in the Golden Age of Heaven on Earth.
You are poised to experience a potent cosmic transformation that’ll shapeshift your state of consciousness from perceived personal {EGO} illusions to profound self truth, realigning you to your true Energetic Signature. This pivotal moment signifies your foundations to realize, rebirth and resurrect your pure Organic GOD Consciousness - the eternal source of
all union, creation and love - into the Now.
Consider this an alchemical catalyst to deepen your expansion, connection and unfoldment of your truth, sovereignty and multidimensional wealth, arising in your I AM presence of your wholeness and illuminating your highest potential of BEing the embodiment of your iconic Living GOD.DESS expression in all aspects of life, relationships and service that’ll create a monumental opulent ripple effect throughout your reality and beyond.
*Private 1:2 online immersion with Eva and Alicia
*A sacred journey of 5 x 90min bespoke sessions
*One energetic house upgrade & alignment
*Integration support Monday-Friday within Signal messenger
*An otherworldly transformative embodied 6 week experience
$5,555 CAD​
Eva Lukacs & Alicia Lukacs-Hall, The KRYSTAL Luminaries, are a Mother and Daughter Duo who are co-Creatrix’s of Krystalline Ascension, the Krystalline Codex and Krystalline Touch Medicine.
Here to ignite your legendary Energetic Signature and initiate the iconic wave of visionary trailblazing Womben HOME in God-Source illumination, multidimensional mastery and BEING A LIVING LUMINARY LEGACY for greater impact within all aspects; personally, professionally, planetary and beyond.
BE, live and experience your Heaven on Earth ~ your new Krystalline World of Pure Consciousness, Sacred Union and Intrinsic Opulence.
© 2023 by Krystalline Ascension ~ Alicia Lukacs-Hall and Eva Lukacs
© Cosmic Logo created by Alana Starlight
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