a divine series for the visionary womban entrepreneur
who desires to dive deeper into your Earth-Walk journey of awakening your
Higher Consciousness, Multidimensionality, Soul Essence and Divinity
- the Truth of who you are -
and begin creating your extraordinary, soulful life, business and legacy.
The ‘Heaven on Earth’ Consciousness is here and the inner Goddess Creatrix
is now being called to rise within you so that you can step into your new role
as a Luminary Lighthouse of a whole new era of Divine Truth, Spiritual Luxury,
Multidimensional Wealth and Sacred Union to experience your soul-level of fulfillment, passion, abundance and vitality.
If you are ready to embark on your spectacular journey of embodying your
Sacred Soul Sparkles, we invite you to start HERE, listening to our series of
Goddess-Spark downloads, perceptions, experiences and embodiment.
Ep.1: The Krystalline Codex
Ep.3: How we found the Boss *itch FREQUENCY
Ep.5: Rebirthing Your Soul Blueprint
Ep.7: Destroyer Meets Creatrix
Ep.9: Inner Organic Grid Restoration ♾️ Outer New Earth Location
Ep.2: Unlocking Creation Keys
Ep.4: New Leadership Codes
Ep.6: Birthing in the NEW
Ep.8: New Beauty, Elegance and Grace Codes
Ep.10: Reuniting with Kryst Consciousness
Eva Lukacs & Alicia Lukacs-Hall, The KRYSTAL Luminaries, are a Mother and Daughter Duo who are co-Creatrix’s of Krystalline Ascension, the Krystalline Codex and Krystalline Touch Medicine.
Here to ignite your legendary Energetic Signature and initiate the iconic wave of visionary trailblazing Womben HOME in God-Source illumination, multidimensional mastery and BEING A LIVING LUMINARY LEGACY for greater impact within all aspects; personally, professionally, planetary and beyond.
BE, live and experience your Heaven on Earth ~ your new Krystalline World of Pure Consciousness, Sacred Union and Intrinsic Opulence.
© 2023 by Krystalline Ascension ~ Alicia Lukacs-Hall and Eva Lukacs
© Cosmic Logo created by Alana Starlight